Come on in, take a look around

There is plenty of other stuff that I want to do here, not least tidy up the Blog page (because it looks like crap), but I think is a pretty good starting point for now. Let me know if there is anything you’d like to see added to this site. There’s a chance that I’ll start writing reports on our games – I’ve done that before and I always enjoyed it – but that will probably just be for me. It’d probably be best not to read them if you don’t like being made fun of, though. (It’ll be the same stuff I say when we’re playing, except written down…)

Anyway – other than that, I’d like to add a log-in area so that people can see how much they’ve paid for the session, and and therefore stop claiming that they’ve paid more than they really have. Plus, it’d maybe encourage more of you to pay upfront because I actually don’t like having to collect the money if I can help it.

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