Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is:

So, it’s pretty standard practice to have a privacy policy.

But hell, you should know what this is all for, and in any case, most of those pesky privacy laws really only apply outside the US. Since we’re unlikely to have too many people from, I dunno – Bulgaria, say – reading this I think we’ll be ok without something so strict. 

In the spirit of full disclosure, though, let me say this; If you give me your email address, I will it use it to send you twice-weekly emails about the pickup sessions. These emails may occasionally contain embarassing photographs of me, or as many as 3 (THREE) pun-based jokes, which could cause you considerable pain.

So, consider yourselves warned.

I won’t sell the email list to anybody, though. (I probably would, if anybody offered me anything, but that seems unlikely)


Take a look at our cookie policy, too, if that’s your kink.